How to cure psoriasis at home for always folk remedies and medicines

Many diseases of the skin cause the person great discomfort. Psoriasis is one of the diseases that does not live in peace, for millions of people, forming scales on the skin. People can't afford the luxury of bringing your favorite clothes and constant itching creates constant problems. How to cure psoriasis at home forever, what creams and other means to apply the treatment for this disease of the skin was removed forever – with this question it is necessary to understand carefully.

What is psoriasis

In a literal translation from the Greek, psoriasis is an itching of the skin. The disease is one of the oldest diseases and is chronic. The manifestation of the disease occurs under the action of its own cells of the immune system of the body. Modern medicine distinguishes different types of psoriasis, but the most common are:

  • vulgar, or irregular;
  • tear-shaped;
  • pustular;
  • Palmar - plantar;
  • exudative;
  • erythroderma, etc.

The main symptom initial, which can occur already in the first months of life and that define psoriasis is that appear on the skin gray-white scales. It is located in the head along the edge of the hair, the folds of the joints, places exposed to excessive friction. Eruptions in the parameters that come in different sizes, but in the initial stage are of little spots, which eventually turn into more places.


Is there a cure for psoriasis

There is no unequivocal opinion, what is the main cause of psoriasis. Among the main factors called stress, heredity, genetics, and metabolic disorders. Therefore, we can deduce and identify the main methods of treatment of the inflammation. As is a disease of chronic nature, to cure psoriasis completely and permanently is not possible, but the integrated approach it is possible to alleviate the suffering, reduce symptoms.

Treatment of psoriasis at home

Before how to treat psoriasis at home, it is important to obtain specialist advice, as only a experienced doctor is able to create an effective course of medical and physiotherapeutic treatment. Among the main methods and means of treatment of psoriasis in the home that may eliminate or reduce the symptoms of the disease can be termed as:

  • medical ointments, creams, waxes;
  • UV-irradiation;
  • the sun;
  • the propolis;
  • medicated shampoos;
  • hormonal means;
  • lotions;
  • dust;
  • chaga;
  • infusions of herbs.

The strict instruction of all the works, following the instructions of medicines, and its regular intake will help, but not cure psoriasis always, but, at least, prolong the period of remission, to help a person feel confident. Should take breaks in between treatment, and it is not possible to use several drugs simultaneously, because this way it is difficult to identify if the therapy.


Folk remedy for psoriasis on the body

The use of folk remedies of psoriasis in the body, any one can say, has a positive effect, which is confirmed in several occasions. An important aspect here is that the techniques and the ingredients have no toxic effects on the body, especially the liver. Many of the techniques used in cosmetology with success, but you should know that what tips folk remedy, it would not be effective, the treatment, you should first start with a consultation with the doctor. A ointment for psoriasis at home to Control this characteristic of psoriasis symptoms such as burning, itching, dryness, cracking of the skin is possible, applying various ointments prepared by themselves. As remedies for the treatment may contain components such as vaseline or certain oils, you should cautiously approach their use by people with a predisposition to allergies. A ointment for psoriasis at home, prepared simply and by this, it is possible to use different ingredients – from marigold to scales of a fish. Apply the product directly on the plate.

These are some of them:

  • Two eggs and a tablespoon of vegetable oil (and you can choose any in its sole discretion) preparation of the mixture, to which you want to add a half tablespoon of acetic acid. With the mixture day-to-day to lubricate the problem areas before you go to sleep after the obligatory showering.
  • Mix 25 g of birch tar with 15 g of honey, add to the mixture 10 g vaseline and 5 g of fish oil and boric acid. In the results obtained in the protein composition is administered, carefully all mixing. Use prepared fat ointment one time every day.

Decoctions and infusions from psoriasis

In addition to topical treatment, traditional medicine recommends the use of decoctions and infusions from psoriasis. You can prepare the brew of oats, infusion of bay leaf powder, or fennel seed. You can buy at the pharmacy without any problems a tincture of fir, which is also famous for its healing properties. Should not be underestimated in the treatment of psoriasis herbs (burdock, elderberry, calendula, immortelle, nettle, celandine), which can be prepared in a short period of time or purchased at the same pharmacy kiosks.


Therapeutic baths

A Popular home treatments are the therapeutic bath. You should know that this method of therapy is not suitable for all patients. People with heart failure, pregnant women, people who have discovered a malignant tumor, it is necessary to abandon the treatment of the water. Anyone who does not have contraindications, you can choose any of the proposed routes for the treatment at home of psoriasis:

  • sapiens. The preparation should start before a day of procedures. Three tablespoons of sage, pour a liter of water, boil for an hour. The next day, the broth prepared was added to the water.
  • clothing. Liter of boiling water, pour 50 g of seeds of flax, insist, filter and add to the water. Effectively fight against the itching.
  • conifers. Tincture of pine needles added to the water. Take a bath two times a day, and the time interval must not exceed 15 minutes. But the shower of buds of pine tree is a great remedy for psoriasis on the elbows.
  • Valerian. 75 ml of tincture added to warm water. Take a bath for 10 minutes, not more.

Treatment of psoriasis on the head

The more discomfort offers psoriasis that affects part of the head of hair. The leak may be in a mild form, but sometimes appears in severe cases of the skin. Psoriasis treatment in home conditions performed using medicines and folk remedies:

A cure for psoriasis

As there are no effective agents that can cure the disease, in addition to the use of ointments, folk remedies, and drugs for the treatment of psoriasis at home, it is recommended to follow a proper diet (and not only during acute!). The food should not include items such as chocolate, citrus, carbonated beverages, alcohol, vegetables and fruits with a strong red color, foods that contain dyes and preservatives. After the appearance of relief, you slowly begin to remove the restriction, but at the same time closely monitor the reaction of the organism. If the question arose, how to cure psoriasis at home forever, except for reception of preparations make the following recommendations:

  • use protective equipment when working with substances corrosive cleaning;
  • bring loose clothing, avoiding the frequent contact and friction of fabric with leather;
  • take a bath with medicated or neutral means;
  • you can use a lamp of salt in the bath to add chips or blocks of sea salt;
  • to limit your stay in the sun, etc.

Prayer from psoriasis

Each person in the treatment of diseases choose the path of healing. Often, especially religious people believe that prayer from psoriasis it is able to deal with the disease forever. Believe it or not, each person decides for himself. According to the beliefs the text of the prayer to be read holy Thursday or other religious holiday in the shower while in the steam bath:

My Lord, my Savior, cleanse the skin and my body from every defilement, of the serious disease of leprosy is ugly. Clean the soul and my heart to think of the vile, obscene desires, the memory, the nastiness, the hate flow. How do I forgive my offenders and forgive me my sins and deliver me from all illness. In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy spirit. Amen.